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Why Blogging is not a Sacrament

28 August 2011 by David Regier

Q. 33. Was the covenant of grace always administered after one and the same manner?
A. The covenant of grace was not always administered after the same manner, but the administrations of it under the old testament were different from those under the new.

Q. 34. How was the covenant of grace administered under the old testament?
A. The covenant of grace was administered under the old testament, by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the Passover, and other types and ordinances, which did all foresignify Christ then to come, and were for that time sufficient to build up the elect in faith in the promised Messiah, by whom they then had full remission of sin, and eternal salvation.

Q. 35. How is the covenant of grace administered under the new testament?
A. Under the new testament, when Christ the substance was exhibited, the same covenant of grace was and still is to be administered in the preaching of the Word, and the administration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper; in which grace and salvation are held forth in more fullness, evidence, and efficacy, to all nations.

I know a thing or two about golf. Literally. I mean, I took a college course to fulfill my PE requirement, so I learned the fundamentals. Head down, left arm straight, feet apart, knees bent. I know what a good swing looks like and feels like.

I've watched enough golf on TV to know how the pros make it look easy. If I watched you, I could probably even tell you what is wrong with your swing. And if you followed my advice, it just might actually help.

That said, I've golfed about three times in the past dozen years. If you asked me how my game is, I'd have to say that there really is no such thing. The last time I went out, I hit about three shots that felt good, a whole lot of mediocre ones, and an embarrassing amount of plain stinkers.

Because I don't really have the time, money, energy or desire to appropriate the means to becoming a better golfer myself, I'm considering starting up a blog where I analyze other people's golf games. I am sure someone will find it helpful.