
21 July 2011 by Matt Gumm

Q. 29. What are the punishments of sin in the world to come?
A. The punishments of sin in the world to come, are everlasting separation from the comfortable presence of God, and most grievous torments in soul and body, without intermission, in hellfire forever.

The notion of Hell, something never popular with unbelievers, in recent times has fallen into disfavor even in religious circles, including Christianity. Many people, including some high profile ones, are claiming the name of Christ while at the same time disclaiming the doctrine of eternal punishment, causing some other high profile people to speak out defending the doctrine.

But set that aside for a moment, and ask yourself this question: if I am sincere in my belief about Hell, what am I doing about it?

There is no question that the doctrine of Hell is under attack from many sides, and that a defense is needed. The question is, what is the best defense? Is it possible that the best way to defend the doctrine is not through blogosphere bully pulpits but instead for us to take it seriously enough to live out and share the gospel?

I'm reminded of the YouTube video featuring Penn Gillette. Perhaps you've seen it; it features Mr. Gillette talking about a man who talked to him after one of his shows and gave him a Gideon Bible. He is clearly touched, expressing his respect for his would-be proselytizer, repeatedly calling him a good man. But to me, the most striking statement he makes is this: "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?"

The book of James tells us there are two kinds of people—hearers and doers. When it comes to evangelism—telling people how to be saved from everlasting separation from the comfortable presence of God, and from most grievous torments in soul and body, without intermission, in hellfire forever—am I a doer who acts, or just a hearer who forgets? Go, be salt and light.